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Tracking the tango learning process.
What is a tlog about? Well, the idea occurred to me to broadcast regular tango practice sessions at the barre, live streaming it so that all my Facebook friends would receive a notification every time I did it. ;) In addition to annoying everyone, I had in mind the goal of transparently sharing the process of practice...to show the behind the scenes, raw and unedited. So, it´s a live vlog of tango - a tlog!
I have had the amazing luck of receiving info from many incredible teachers here in Buenos Aires over the last 6 years, and now I will focus on incorporating the theory into my body with consistent practice, and synthesize it into defining a personal dance. I don´t intend for these to be instructional videos, although I would like to vocally share my thought process of particular points that I am trying to fix in my dance while I am practicing. I hope to get permission to reference the teachers that have helped me on the way, and share some magic tips from them. But until then, I start with some personal ideas that I am trying to polish first.
I am posting practice because although we are often amazed and impressed by a performance or video, we rarely see the process that led to its fruition. A show can be inspiring to watch but at the same time frustrating for its perceived distance from one´s own tango. The point of this is experiment is the opposite...I will just share some moments of myself messing around at the barre (and maybe a bar as well at some future date). Hopefully at some point in this process, I end up defining and solidifying my tango and generate a space for discussion online as well.
Please join me by watching some of my broadcasts on my Facebook page, and feel motivated to join in by making suggestions and asking questions, by commenting, or filming your reaction or own practice live and posting it in the Facebook group!

Documentando el proceso del aprendizaje.
De que se trata el tlog? Y, se me ocurrió la idea de transmitir ensayos regulares en la barra, en vivo para que todos mis amigos de Facebook reciban una notificación cada vez que lo haga. ;) Además de molestar a toda mi lista de amigos, también pensé en la meta de compartir transparentemente el proceso de aprendizaje...de mostrar el backstage, crudo y sin edición. Entonces, es un vlog en vivo de tango - un tlog!
Tuve la suerte de recibir info de muchos maestros increíbles acá en Buenos Aires desde hace 6 años, y ahora me enfoco en bajar la info al cuerpo con ensayo consistente y sintetizarlas en un baile personal más sólido y definido. No tengo la intención que sean videos didácticos, aunque voy a compartir en palabras mis pensamientos mientras practico algunos conceptos específicos que quiero mejorar en mi baile. Espero conseguir permiso para poder mencionar a los maestros que me han ayudado en el camino, y compartir algunos de sus tips mágicos. Pero hasta ese momento, empiezo compartiendo unas ideas personales primero.
Estoy publicando el proceso de ensayo, porque aunque estamos impactados muchas veces por exhibiciones o videos, rara vez vemos el proceso atrás del desarrollo del producto final. Puede ser inspirador mirar un show, pero a la misma vez frustrante por la diferencia con el nivel propio. El punto de este experimento es el opuesto...voy a compartir algunos momentos míos boludeando en la barra (y quizá algún bar también en el futuro). Espero que en algún momento de este proceso, logre arraigar mi tango y también, generar un espacio para un discurso online.
Por favor sumense a mirar una transmisión en mi Facebook, y animense a participar con sugerencias o preguntas, con comentarios o haciendo tu propio video en vivo y publicandolo en el grupo de Facebook!
Promo video: Tango Gym (The most difficult thing in tango...)
TangoLOG #22 - Embellishment in 3
TangoLOG: Tracking the tango learning process
Today I am trying out a rhythmic embellishment. Let´s see how it goes!!!
UPDATE: So COMPLETELY off the music! Sorry...torturous to watch I know...had to figure out the mechanics a bit today...maybe some other day I will get it to the music!!
Episodio #22 - Adorno en 3
TangoLOG: Documentando el proceso del aprendizaje
Hoy voy a probar un adorno ritmico. Vemos como sale!!!
COMENTARIO: Terminé completamente afuera de la musica. Perdon...dificil verlo asi...tenía que resolver la mecanica hoy...ojala que otro dia la pego con la musica!!!
TangoLOG #12 - Summary Episode
Here is a summary episode of the 11 tlogs this previous month!
Thanks to everyone who has watched a live transmission on Facebook or on Youtube! The regular episodes are a bit long, with lots of random mumbling...but I decided to keep them that way since I need sufficient time to process the ideas that I am trying out. But at the end of each month I will make one of these summary episodes, with excerpts of just the more explanatory bits.
This month, I´ve mentioned various teachers and therapists who have helped me out:
Marcela Trape (Body Awareness Method)
Alejandra Gutty
Andres Laza Moreno & Luciana Arregui
Paula Fontan (Contemporary)
Tomas Galván and Gimena Herrera
Stella Missé
Monica Parra
Corina de la Rosa
Matias (Chiropractor/physical therapist)
Mä Mu (Respiración Evolutiva)
Video excerpts:
Ballet tutorial: https://youtu.be/V_VBttftOQw?t=284
Hector Chidichimo: https://www.facebook.com/CanalCiudadBA/videos/1487577364647776/
Martha Graham: https://youtu.be/itKJXEoBWWg?list=WL&t=203
Comments, suggestion, questions welcome. And please join the TangoLOG group...I hope that someone (anyone?) would like to join in and respond with a video: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tangolog/?ref=br_rs